Sunday, March 17, 2013

Officer Buckle and Gloria

Rathmann, P. (1995). Officer Buckle and Gloria. New York: Putnam's.

Genre: Fiction
Age Level: 4-7

Summary: Officer Buckle is the safety officer for the town of Napville. His job is to tell the children of the Napville School how to be safe. However, he tends to put the students to sleep when he gives his safety presentation. Then the police department gets a new police dog named Gloria. She goes with Officer Buckle to give his safety speeches. Suddenly, the children sit up and pay attention. Officer Buckle begins to think that he is beginning to reach the students but what's really happening is that Gloria is acting out the scenarios Officer Buckle describes and she manages to do this without him noticing. He finally notices when the news does a report on him and he sees himself and Gloria on the news. At first he is not happy but in the end Officer Buckle realizes how much more the students enjoy his safety speeches when Gloria is with him.

Reflection: I love this book! The illustrations complete the story because the story itself does not tell about what Gloria is doing in the background while Officer Buckle gives his speech. The illustrations are cartoons that help to enhance the plot, character, and theme. Several illustrations through the paperback book have a doublespread to help give the effect of motion throughout the story. The first doublespread image begins on the copyright page of the book with a leaning swivel chair and push pins that carry your eye to the next illustration before you beginning reading the text. Not to mention the silly illustration involving the banana pudding spill.
This story would continue to keep the interest of students because of the silly illustrations and the funny storyline. Young children love animals and this story shows how animals can help people. There is also enough mischief to keep young children engaged and lots of good humor to keep everyone laughing.
            This book could be used to teach many concepts to young children. Some of the strategies that could be used with the book are predictions, cause and effect, sequencing, and summarizing. Educators could use the book to teach about safety and teamwork. Students could make up their own safety rule and draw a picture of Gloria acting it out. Some questions that could be asked are: Why were Officer Buckle's feelings hurt? Why did Gloria feel badly? Are they better working together or apart?

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